HR Service Delivery (HRSD)

Increase productivity by making it easy for your employees to get the help and guidance they need. All centralized in one place.

Reduce costs with AI-driven self-service and streamlined case resolution

Optimize manual and repeated processes from hire to retirement through AI-driven self-service, workflows, and digitalization.


Learn more about how HRSD will change your organization 

Reducing manual processes

Process automation of various workflows frees HR staff to do more strategic work and reduces the number of errors.

Data accuracy and consistency

The central repository for all employee data, the Employee Center, ensures accuracy and consistency, eliminating the problem of searching for the latest information across multiple systems.

Improved employee experience

The self-service portal (Employee Service Center) allows employees to easily access HR services and information, empowering them with control over their HR needs and boosting satisfaction.

Effective reporting

Dashboards and reports provide HR real-time visibility into their workflows, allowing them to make data-driven decisions to optimize HR processes.

Seamless onboarding

Onboarding automation tasks, such as sending new hire paperwork and provisioning IT access, streamline the process and ensure a smoother transition for new employees.

Compliance with regulations

Tracking compliance requirements and automating tasks can help organizations stay on the right side of regulations.

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Improved communication

Communication tools for HR allow easy sharing of company news, policy updates, and answering frequently asked questions through a central knowledge base, keeping everyone informed and on the same page.

Training and development

Organizations can track employee training and development to identify areas needing additional support, empowering employees to develop their skills and contribute more effectively to the company’s success.

Reduced employee turnover

Improving employee engagement by providing a more positive HR experience and offering tools for skills development can lead to a more satisfied and loyal workforce with lower turnover rates.

Improve employee experience and increase satisfaction

Automation within the HRSD product in ServiceNow helps not only recipients of HR services but also employees of the HR department.

Thanks to the processes offered and the ability to adapt them to the needs of the organization, employees can effectively work with current tasks, increasing efficiency, improving communication, as well as organizing onboarding and offboarding activities.

Dedicated reports and dashboards help them prioritize their tasks, which translates into work comfort.

The HRSD product allows sensitive data to be stored securely. Access to data can be restricted to only those who need such authorization.

In such a situation, even the system administrator may be denied access to such data. This is one of the functionalities that is not at all obvious among competing products.

Milena Szklarska-Behlke

Engineering Manager

Maciej Słupski

Senior ServiceNow Solution Consultant

Milena Szklarska-Behlke

Engineering Manager

Automation within the HRSD product in ServiceNow helps not only recipients of HR services but also employees of the HR department.

Thanks to the processes offered and the ability to adapt them to the needs of the organization, employees can effectively work with current tasks, increasing efficiency, improving communication, as well as organizing onboarding and offboarding activities.

Dedicated reports and dashboards help them prioritize their tasks, which translates into work comfort.

Maciej Słupski

Senior ServiceNow Solution Consultant

The HRSD product allows sensitive data to be stored securely. Access to data can be restricted to only those who need such authorization.

In such a situation, even the system administrator may be denied access to such data. This is one of the functionalities that is not at all obvious among competing products.


What will you gain with the HRSD module in ServiceNow?

Automated Workflows: HRSD automates repetitive HR tasks like leave requests, benefit enrollment, and new hire onboarding. This frees up HR staff to focus on more strategic work and reduces errors caused by manual data entry.
Employee Self-Service Portal: HRSD provides a central portal where employees can access HR services and information anytime, anywhere. This empowers employees to manage their HR needs, improving convenience and reducing inquiries volume on HR.


Centralized Employee Data: HRSD is a single source of truth for all employee data. This ensures data accuracy and consistency across the organization, streamlining HR processes and reporting.
Compliance Management: HRSD helps organizations track compliance with labor laws and regulations and automates tasks like sending reminders for required training or audits.
Improved Communication: HRSD provides communication tools for HR to easily share information with employees through announcements, targeted messages, or a knowledge base with frequently asked questions.
Data Analytics and Reporting: HRSD offers dashboards and reports that provide HR with insights into key metrics like employee turnover, training completion rates, and time off usage. This data can be used to identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Gain more with HR Service Delivery

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